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Robert, S.*, Granovetter, M.C.* and Behrmann, M. (*equal authors) (2025). Space- and object-based attentional processing in typical development and childhood hemispherectomy, under review.

Liu, N., Avidan, G., Turchi, J. N., Hadj-Bouziane, F. and Behrmann, M. (2024). A possible neural basis for attentional capture revealed by fMRI and causal pharmacological inactivation in macaques, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_02211. Online ahead of print. PMID: PMC8784138

Nah, J.C., Neppi-Modona, M., Strother, L., Behrmann, M. and Shomstein, S. (2018). Object Width Modulates Object-Based Attentional Selection, Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 80(6):1375-1389. doi: 10.3758/s13414-018-1530-y. PMID: 29691762. (.pdf)

Greenberg, A., Cutrone, E., Rosen, M. and Behrmann, M. (2015). The effects of visual search efficiency on object-based attention, Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 77(5):1544-57. (.pdf)

Gabay, S. and Behrmann, M. (2014). Attentional dynamics mediated by subcortical mechanisms. Attention Perception and Psychophysics, 76(8):2375-88. doi: 10.3758/s13414-014-0725-0.10.3758/s13414-014-0725-0. (.pdf)

Shomstein, S., Kravitz, D. and Behrmann, M. (2012). Attentional control: Temporal relationships within the fronto-parietal network, Neuropsychologia, 50, 1202-1210, PMID:22386880.(.pdf )

Greenberg, A. S., Verstynen, T., Chiu, Y. C., Yantis, S., Schneider, W., & Behrmann, M. (2012). Visuotopic cortical connectivity underlying attention revealed with white-matter tractography. Journal of Neuroscience32(8), 2773-2782. [associated press release at] (.pdf )

Phillips. J. S., Greenberg, A. S., Pyles, J. A., Pathak, S. K., Behrmann, M., Schneider, W., Tarr, M. J. (2012). Co-analysis of brain structure and function using fMRI and Diffusion-weighted imaging, JoV, doi:pii: 4125. 10.3791/4125. PMID: 23169034. (.pdf)

Kravitz, D. J., & Behrmann, M. (2011). Space-, object-, and feature-based attention interact to organize visual scenes. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 73, 2434-2447. (.pdf )

Vasquez, B. P., Buck, B. H., Black, S. E., Leibovitch, F. S., Lobaugh, N. J., Caldwell, C. B., & Behrmann, M. (2011). Visual attention deficits in Alzheimer's disease: relationship to HMPAO SPECT cortical hypoperfusion. Neuropsychologia49(7), 1741-1750. (.pdf ) 

Behrmann, M., Shomstein, S. and Kimchi, R. (2010). Conscious awareness of methodological choices: Reply to Milberg and McGlinchey. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 72,3, 622-627. (NIHMS211700). (.pdf 

Shomstein, S., Kimchi, R., Hammer, M. and Behrmann, M. (2010). Perceptual organization operates independent of attentional selection. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 72, 3, 607-618. (NIHMS211700). (.pdf )

Shomstein, S. and Behrmann, M. (2008). Object-based attention: strength of object representation and strategic scanning, Perception and Psychophysics, 70, 1, 132-144 (.pdf )

Shomstein, S. & Behrmann, M. (2006). Cortical systems mediating visual attention to both objects and spatial locations.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), 103(30), 11387-11392. (.pdf)

Geng, J. J. and Behrmann, M. (2006). Spatial probability as an attentional bias in visual search, Perception and Psychophysics, 67, 7, 1252-1568. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Geng, J. J. and Shomstein, S. (2004). Parietal cortex and attention. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 14, 212-217. (.pdf )

Baker, C., Olson, C. and Behrmann, M. (2004). Role of attention and perceptual grouping in visual statistical learning. Psychological Science, 15, 7, 460-466 (.pdf )

Zemel, R., Behrmann, M., Mozer, M. C., and Bavelier, D. (2002). Experience-Dependent Perceptual Grouping and Object-Based Attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 28,(1), 202-217. (.pdf)

Haimson, C. and Behrmann, M. (2001). Cued Visual Attention Does Not Distinguish Between Occluded and Occluding Objects, Psychological Bulletin and Review , 8, 3, 496-503 (.pdf)

Vecera, S.P., Behrmann, M., Filapek, J.C. (2001). Attending to the parts of a single object: part-based selection limitations. Perception and Psychophysics, 63,(2), 308-321. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Haimson, C. (1999). The cognitive neuroscience of visual attention. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 9, 158-163. (.pdf)

Foster, J. K., Behrmann, M., & Stuss, D. T. (1999). Visual attention deficits in Alzheimer's disease: simple versus conjoined feature search. Neuropsychology13(2), 223. (.pdf)

Berry, E. L., Nicolson, R. I., Foster, J. K., Behrmann, M., & Sagar, H. J. (1999). Slowing of reaction time in parkinsons disease: theinvolvement of the frontal lobes. Neuropsychologia37(7), 787-795. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Zemel, R. S., & Mozer, M. C. (1998). Object-based attention and occlusion: evidence from normal participants and a computational model. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance24(4), 1011. (.pdf)

Williams, D. E., Reingold, E. , Moscovitch, M. and Behrmann, M. (1997). Patterns of eye movement during parallel and serial visual search tasks. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 51, 2, 151-164. (.pdf)

Buck, B., Black, S. E., Behrmann, M., Caldwell, C. and Bronskill, M. (1997). Spatial- and object-based attentional deficits in Alzheimer's disease: Relationship to SPECT measures of parietal perfusion. Brain, 120, 1229-1244. (.pdf)  

Tipper, S. P. and Behrmann, M. (1996). Object-centered not scene-based visual neglect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 22, 5, 1261-1278. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Black, S. E. and Murji, S. (1995). The status of spatial attention in the mental architecture: Evidence from neuropsychology. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 17, 2, 220-242. (.pdf)


Bleimeister, I., Avni, I., Granovetter, M., Meiri, G., Ilan, M., Flusser, H., Michaelovski, A. Menashe, I., Behrmann, M.*, Dinstein, I.* (*co-senior authors) (2024). Idiosyncratic pupil regulation in autistic children, Autism Research. doi: 10.1002/aur.3234.

Haigh, S. M., Van Key, L., Eack, S. M., Leitman, D. I., Salisbury, D.F. * Behrmann, M. (2022). Assessing trial-to-trial variability in auditory ERPs in autism and schizophrenia. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Special issue: Sensory Features in Autism and Related Conditions: Developmental Approaches, Mechanisms and Targeted Interventions. (.pdf)

Haigh, S., Brosseau, P., Eack, S. M., Leitman, D., Salisbury, D. Behrmann, M. (2022). Hyper-sensitivity to pitch is related to poorer prosody processing in adults with autism, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 13:844830. (.pdf)

Sha, Z., Van Rooij, D... Anagnostou, E., Arango, C., Auzias, G., Behrmann, M., ... & Francks, C. (2022). Subtly altered topological asymmetry of brain structural covariance networks in autism spectrum disorder across 43 datasets from the ENIGMA consortium. Molecular Psychiatry, 1-12. (.pdf)

Hoogman, M., Van Rooij, D., Klein, M... Behrmann, M... & Franke, B. (2022). Consortium neuroscience of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder: The ENIGMA adventure. Human brain mapping, 43(1), 37-55. (.pdf)

Haigh, S. M., Endevelt-Shapira, Y. and Behrmann, M. (2020). Trial-to-trial variability in electrodermal activity to faces in autism, Autism Research, doi: 10.1002/aur.2377. (.pdf)

Hoogman, M. … Behrmann, M. (2020). Consortium neuroscience of ADHD and ASD: the ENIGMA adventure. Human Brain Mapping, DOI:10.1002/hbm.25029. (.pdf)

Boedhoe, P. S. ... Behrmann, M... et al. (2020). Subcortical brain volume, regional cortical thickness, and cortical surface area across disorders: findings from the ENIGMA ADHD, ASD, and OCD working groups. American Journal of Psychiatry177(9), 834-843. (.pdf)

Granovetter, M. C., Burlingham, C. S., Blauch, N. M., Minshew, N. J., Heeger, D. J. and Behrmann, M. (2020). Uncharacteristic Task-Evoked Pupillary Responses Implicate Atypical Locus Ceruleus Activity in Autism,  J. Neuroscience, 40(19):3815-3826. (.pdf)

Postema, M. C., van Rooij, D., … Behrmann, M… et al. (2019). Altered structural brain asymmetry in autism spectrum disorder in a study of 54 datasets. Nature communications10(1), 1-12. (.pdf)

Haigh, S. M., Eack, S. M., Keller, T., Minshew, N. J., & Behrmann, M. (2019). White matter structure in schizophrenia and autism: Abnormal diffusion across the brain in schizophrenia. Neuropsychologia135, 107233. (.pdf)

van Rooij, D., Behrmann, M. et al. (2018). Cortical and Subcortical Brain Morphometry Differences Between Patients With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Healthy Individuals Across the Lifespan: Results From the ENIGMA ASD Working Group. American Journal of Psychiatry, 2017:appiajp201717010100. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2017.17010100. [Epub ahead of print] (.pdf)

Heeger, D., Behrmann, M. and Dinstein, I. (2016). Vision as a beachhead. Biol Psychiatry. 2016 Sep 29. pii: S0006-3223(16)32855-4. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.09.019. [Epub ahead of print] Review. PMID: 27884424 (.pdf)

Mercado III, E., Church, B. A., & Seccia, A. M. (2016). Commentary: perceptual learning in autism: over-specificity and possible remedies. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience10, 18. (.pdf)

Haigh, S., Gupta, A., Barb, S., Glass, S. A., Minshew, N. J., Dinstein, I., Heeger, D., Eack, S. M. and Behrmann, M. (2016). Differential sensory fMRI signatures in autism and schizophrenia: Analysis of amplitude and trial-to-trial variability, Schizophrenia Research, 175(1-3): 12-9. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2016.03.036. PMID: 27083780. (.pdf)

Haigh, S.M., Heeger, D. J., Heller, L., Gupta, A., Minshew, N. J. and Behrmann, M. (2016). No Difference in Cross-Modal Attention or Sensory Discrimination Thresholds in Autism and Matched Controls. Vision Research. (.pdf)

Harris, H. Israeli, D., Minshew, N. J., Bonneh, Y. Heeger, D. J. Behrmann, M., Sagi, D. (2015) Perceptual learning in autism: over-specificity and possible remedies, Nature Neuroscience. (.pdf)

Dinstein, I., Heeger, D. and Behrmann, M. (2015). Neural variability: friend or foe? Trends in Cognitive Science, 19, 6, 322-328. (.pdf)

Hahamy, A., Behrmann, M. and Malach, R. (2015). The idiosyncratic brain: distortion of spontaneous connectivity patterns in autism spectrum disorder, Nature Neuroscience, ePub ahead of print. (.pdf)

Whyte, E. M., Behrmann, M., Minshew, N. J.; Garcia, N., Elbich, D. & Scherf, K. Suzanne. (2015). Animal, but not human, faces engage the distributed face network in adolescents with autism, Developmental Science. (.pdf)

Scherf, K.S., Elbich, D., Minshew, N. J., and Behrmann, M. (2015). Individual Differences in Symptom Severity and Behavior Predict Neural Activation During Face Processing in Adolescents with Autism. Neuroimage Clinical, 7, 53-67. (.pdf)

Haigh, S., Dinstein, I. Heeger, D. and Behrmann, M. Cortical variability in the sensory-evoked response in autism, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, ePub ahead of print, DOI 10.1007/s10803-014-2276-6, PMID: 25326820. (.pdf)

Haar, S., Berman, S., Behrmann, M., and Dinstein, I. (2014). Anatomical abnormalities in autism? Cerebral Cortex, Oct 14, Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhu242. (.pdf)

Grubb, M. A., Behrmann, M., Egan, R., Minshew, N., Heeger, D., and Carrasco, M.  (2013). Exogenous spatial attention is intact in adults with autism spectrum disorder: evidence from contrast sensitivity, crowding, and visual search, Journal of Vision, 13(14): 9,1–13. (.pdf)

Gonzalez, C., Martin, J., Minshew, N. J. and Behrmann, M. (2013). Practice makes improvement: How autistic adults out-perform others in luggage screening, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42, 3, DOI 10.1007/s10803-013-1772-4. (.pdf)

Grubb, M. A., Behrmann, M., Egan, R., Minshew, N., Carrasco, M. and Heeger, D. Endogenous spatial attention: Evidence for intact functioning in adults with autism, Autism Research, 10.1002/aur.1269. PMID: 23427075. (.pdf)

Said, C., Heeger, D., Egan, R., Minshew, N. and Behrmann, M. (2012). Normal Binocular Rivalry in Autism: Implications for the Excitation/Inhibition Imbalance Hypothesis. (.pdf)

Dinstein, I., Heeger, D. J., Lorenzi, L., Minshew, N. J., Malach, R. and Behrmann, M. (2012). Unreliable evoked responses in autism, Neuron, 75, 981-991.(.pdf)

Dinstein, I., Eyler, L., Malach, R., Behrmann, M., Courchesne, E. and Pierce, K. (2011). Cortical activity disruptions during sleep and language development in children with autism, Neuron, 70, 1218-1225. (.pdf)

Dinstein, I., Thomas, C., Humphreys, K., Minshew, N., Behrmann, M. and Heeger, D. (2010). Normal movement selectivity in autism, Neuron, 13;66(3):461-9. NIHMS195210. (.pdf 

Thomas, C., Humphreys, K., Jung, K. J., Minshew, N. and Behrmann, M. (2010). The anatomy of the callosal and visual association pathways in autism: a DTI tractography study, Cortex, doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2010.07.006. NIHMS[227357](.pdf )

Scherf, S., Luna, B., Minshew, N. and Behrmann, M. (2010). Location, location, location: alterations in the functional topography of face- but not object- or place-related cortex in adolescents with autism, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.(.pdf )

Hasson, U., Avidan, G., Gelbard, H., Vallines, I., Harel, M., Minshew, N. and Behrmann, M. (2009). Shared and idiosyncratic cortical activation patterns in autism revealed under continuous real-life viewing conditions. Autism Research, 2, 220-231.(.pdf )

Scherf, K. S., Behrmann, M., Kimchi, R., Minshew, N. and Luna, B. (2008). Missing the big picture: Impaired development of global shape processing in autism. Autism Research, 1, 114-129. (.pdf )

Humphreys, K., Hasson, U., Avidan, G., Minshew, N. and Behrmann, M. (2008). Cortical patterns of category-selective activation for faces, places & objects in adults with autism, Autism Research, 1, 52-63.(.pdf )

Dinstein, I., Thomas, C., Behrmann, M. and Heeger, D. (2008) A mirror up to nature. Current Biology, 18, 1, R13-18.(.pdf )

Humphreys, K., Minshew, N., Leonard, G. and Behrmann, M. (2007). A fine-grained analysis of facial expression processing in high functioning adults with autism, Neuropsychologia, 45, 4, 685-695. (.pdf 

Behrmann, M., Thomas, C. and Humphreys, K. (2006). Autism: seeing it differently. Trends in Cognitive Science, 10, 6, 258-264.(.pdf )

Behrmann, M., Avidan, G., Leonard, G. L., Kimchi, R., Luna, B., Humphreys, K. and Minshew, N. (2007). Configural processing in autism and its relationship to face processing.  Neuropsychologia, 44, 110-129. (.pdf )

Haigh, S., Dinstein, I., Heeger, D. Minshew, N. and Behrmann, M. (2015). Overresponsiveness and greater variability in roughness perception in autism, Autism Research (.pdf)

Hemispheric specialization and hemispherectomy/lobectomy

Chroneos, M. Z., Behrmann, M.* and Mayo, J. P.* (*equal authors). Childhood hemispherectomy results in ipsilesional smooth pursuit deficits with compensatory saccades, under review.

Blauch, N. M., Plaut, D. C., Vin, R., and Behrmann, M. (2025). Individual variation in the functional lateralization of human ventral temporal cortex: Local competition and long-range coupling, Imaging Neuroscience. doi: 10.1162/imag_a_00488.

Simmons, C., Granovetter, M. C., Robert, S., Liu, T. T., Patterson, C. and Behrmann, M. (2024). Holistic processing and expertise effects after pediatric resection of occipitotemporal cortex, Neuropsychologia, Feb 15;194:108789. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2024.108789. Epub 2024 Jan 6.

Robert, S., Granovetter, M. C., Patterson, C. and Behrmann, M. (2024). Investigation of hemispheric functional organization after pediatric epilepsy surgery with naturalistic neuroimaging, PNAS, Jul 9;121(28):e2317458121. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2317458121.

Ayzenberg, V., Granovetter, M. C., Robert, S., Patterson, C. and Behrmann, M. (2023). Differential functional reorganization of ventral and dorsal visual pathways following childhood hemispherectomy, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2023.101323.

Nischal, R. and Behrmann, M. (2023). Hemispheric lateralization of word recognition revealed over development using a measure of inversion sensitivity, Developmental Science Jan 30;e13372. doi: 10.1111/desc.13372. Online ahead of print.

Granovetter, M.C., Robert, S., Ettensohn, L., and Behrmann, M. (2022). With Childhood Hemispherectomy, One Hemisphere Can Support--But is Suboptimal for--Word and Face Recognition, PNAS, 119(44):e2212936119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2212936119 (.pdf)

Ahmad, Z., Behrmann, M., Patterson, C. and Freud, E. (2022). Unilateral cortical resection of both visual pathways alters action but not perception in a paediatric patient with pharmaco-resistant epilepsy. Neuropsychologia, 22, 108182. (.pdf)

Chamanzar, A., Behrmann, M., & Grover, P. (2021). Neural silences can be localized rapidly using noninvasive scalp EEG. Communications Biology4(1), 1-17. (.pdf)

Maallo, A. M. S., Granovetter, M. C., Freud, E., Kastner, S., Pinsk, M. A., Patterson, C., & Behrmann, M. (2020). Large-scale resculpting of cortical circuits in children after surgical resection. Scientific reports10(1), 1-18. (.pdf)

Chaman Zar, A., Behrmann, M. and Grover, P. (2021). Neural silences can be localized using noninvasive scalp EEG, Nature Communications Biology. (.pdf)

Maallo, A. M., Freud, E., Liu, T. T., Patterson, C. and Behrmann, M. (2020). Effects of unilateral cortical resection of visual cortex on bilateral human white matter, Neuroimage,207, 116345. (.pdf)

Sehyr, Z. S., Midgley, K. J., Holcomb, P. J., Emmorey, K., Plaut, D. C., & Behrmann, M. (2020). Unique N170 signatures to words and faces in deaf ASL signers reflect experience-specific adaptations during early visual processing. Neuropsychologia, 107414. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., & Plaut, D. C. (2020). Hemispheric Organization for Visual Object Recognition: A Theoretical Account and Empirical Evidence. Perception. (.pdf)

Maallo, A. M. S., Freud, E., Liu, T. T., Patterson, C. and Behrmann, M. (2020). Effects of unilateral cortical resection of the visual cortex on bilateral human white matter. NeuroImage. (.pdf)

Liu, T. T., Freud, E., Patterson, C., & Behrmann, M. (2019). Perceptual function and category-selective neural organization in children with resections of visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience39(32), 6299-6314. (.pdf)

Liu, T., Nestor, A., Vida, M. D., Pyles, J. A., Patterson, C., Yang, Y., Yang, F. N., Freud, E., Behrmann, M. (2018).Successful Reorganization of Category-Selective Visual Cortex following Occipito-temporal Lobectomy in Childhood. Cell Repots 24:1113-1122. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.06.099. (.pdf)

Liu, T. T. and Behrmann, M. (2017). Functional outcomes in patients with lesions in visual cortex: Implications for developmental plasticity of high-level vision. Neuropsychologia, 105, 197-214. PMID:  28668576 (.pdf)

Ossowski, A. and Behrmann, M. (2015). Left hemisphere specialization for word reading is not contingent on a left lateralized bias for high spatial frequency visual information. Cortex, pii: S0010-9452, PMID: 25639933. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Plaut, D. C. (2015). Lateralization of the brain: real or apparent? The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Nov;1359:30-46.ISSN0077-8923. (.pdf)

Dundas, E., Plaut, D. C. and Behrmann, M. (2014). An ERP investigation of the co-development of hemispheric lateralization of face and word recognition. Neuropsychologia, 61, 315-323. (.pdf)

Dundas, E., Plaut, D. C. and Behrmann, M. (2014). Altered neural tuning for face and word representations in left-handers, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27, 5, 913-925. PMID: 25390197. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Plaut, D. C. (2013). Distributed circuits, not circumscribed centers, mediate visual recognition. Trends in Cognitive Science, (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Plaut, D. C. (2012).Bilateral hemispheric representation of words and faces: Evidence from word impairments in prosopagnosia and face impairments in pure alexia Cerebral Cortex, doi:10.1093/cercor/bhs390. (.pdf )

Dundas, E., Plaut, D. and Behrmann, M. (2013). The joint development of hemispheric lateralization for words and face, in press. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. doi: 10.1037/a0029503. (.pdf )

Plaut, D. and Behrmann, M. (2011). Complementary neural representations for faces and words: A computational exploration Cognitive Neuropsychology, 28, 251-275.  (.pdf )

Dundas, E., Plaut, D. C. and Behrmann, M. (2015). Variable left-hemisphere language and orthographic lateralization reduces right-hemisphere face lateralization. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27, 5, 913-925. PMID: 25390197 (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Plaut, D. C. (2015). A vision of graded hemispheric specialization. The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci.ISSN0077-8923.(.pdf)

Hemispatial Neglect

Behrmann, M. and Shomstein, S., (2015). Hemispatial Neglect, Neural Basis of. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & BehavioralSciences, 2nd edition, Vol 10. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 766–772.(.pdf)

Shomstein, S., Lee, J. and Behrmann, M. (2010). Top-down and bottom-up attentional guidance: investigating the role of the dorsal and ventral parietal cortices. DOI 10.1007/s00221-010-2326-z, epub ahead of print. Experimental Brain Research. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Shomstein, S. and Kimchi, R. (2010). Conscious awareness of methodological choices: Reply to Milberg and McGlinchey. Attention, Perception and Performance, 72, 3, 622-627 (.pdf)

Shomstein, S., Kimchi, R., Hammer, M. and Behrmann, M. (2010). Perceptual organization operates independent of attentional selection. Attention, Perception and Performance, 72, 3, 607-618 (.pdf)

Geng, J. J. and Behrmann, M. (2006). Competition between simultaneous stimuli modulated by location probability in hemispatial neglect, Neuropsychologia, 44, 7, 10-50-1060 (.pdf)

Ravizza, S., Behrmann, M. and Fiez, J. (2005). Right parietal contributions to verbal working memory: Spatial or executive?Neuropsychologia, 43, 14, 2057-2067 (.pdf)

Marotta, J. J., McKeeff, T. M. and Behrmann, M.   (2003). Hemispatial neglect: Its effects on visual perception and visually-guided grasping. Neuropsychologia ,41, 9, 1262-1271 (.pdf

Behrmann, M., Ebert, P. and Black, S. E.   (2004). Hemispatial neglect and visual search: a large scale analysis from the Sunnybrook Stroke study. Cortex , 40, 247-264 (.pdf

Behrmann, M., Black, S. E., McKeeff, T. and Barton, J. J. S.  M. (2002). Oculographic analysis of word reading in hemispatial neglect Physiology and Behavior , 77, 613-619 (.pdf

Cate, A. and Behrmann, M.   (2002). Spatial and temporal influences   on  extinction  in parietal patients. Neuropsychologia, 40, 13, 2206-2225. (.pdf)

Geng, J. J. and Behrmann,  M. (2002). Implicit cueing by statistical contingencies affects visual search in normal participants and patients with hemispatial neglect. Psychological Science, 13, 6, 520-525. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Geng, J. (2002). What is 'left' when all is said and done? Spatial coding and hemispatial neglect. In H. O. Karnath, D. Milner and G. Vallar (Eds.) The Cognitive and Neural Bases of Spatial Neglect. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp85-100. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Ghiselli-Crippa, T. & Di Matteo, I. (2001-2002). Impaired initiation but not execution of contralesional saccades in hemispatial neglect. Behavioral Neurology, 13, 39-60. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Ghiselli-Crippa, T., Sweeney, J. A., Di Matteo, I., & Kass, R. (2002). Mechanisms underlying spatial representation revealed through studies of hemispatial neglect. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14, 2, 279-290. (.pdf)

Philbeck, J., Behrmann, M. and Loomis, J. (2001). Updating of locations during whole body rotations in patients with hemispatial neglect. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 1, 4, 330-343. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M.  and Plaut, D. C. (2001). The interaction of spatial reference frames and hierarchical object representations: Evidence from figure copying in hemispatial neglect, Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 1, 4, 307-329. (.pdf)

Philbeck, J.W., Behrmann, M., Black, S.E., & Ebert, P. (2000). Intact spatial updating during locomotion after right posterior parietal lesions. Neuropsychologia, 38, 950-963. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Tipper, S. P. (1999). Attention accesses multiple spatial frames of reference: Evidence from neglect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 25, 1, 83-101. (.pdf

Barton, J. J. S., Behrmann, M., Black, S. E. (1998). Ocular search during line bisection: The effects of hemineglect and hemianopia. Brain, 121, 1117-1131. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Barton, J, Watt, S. and Black, S. E. (1997). Impaired visual search in patients with unilateral neglect: An oculographic analysis. Neuropsychologia, 35, 11, 1445-1458. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Moscovitch, M. (1994). Object-centered neglect in patients with unilateral neglect: Effects of intrinsic left-right coordinates of objects. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 6, 1, 1-16. (.pdf )

Behrmann, M. (1994). Neglect dyslexia: Deficit in attention and printed word recognition. In M. Farah and G. Ratcliff (Ed.)The Neural Bases of Higher-Level Vision . Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, p173-215.

Behrmann, M., Moscovitch, M., Black, S.E. and Mozer, M. (1990). Perceptual and conceptual factors underlying neglect dyslexia: two contrasting case studies. Brain, 113, 4, 1163-1183. (.pdf)

Mozer, M. and Behrmann, M. (1990). On the interaction of selective attention and lexical knowledge: A connectionist account of neglect dyslexia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2, 96- 123. (.pdf )

Reaching, Navigation and Action

Freud, E., Behrmann, M., & Snow, J. C. (2020). What Does Dorsal Cortex Contribute to Perception? Open Mind4, 40-56. (.pdf)

Freud, E., Plaut, D. C. and Behrmann, M. (2019). Protracted developmental trajectory of shape processing along the two visual pathways. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 10:1-9. (.pdf

Freud, E., Culham, J., Namdar, G. and Behrmann, M. (2019) Object complexity modulates the association between action and perception in childhood, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 179 , 56-72. (.pdf)

Freud, E., Robinson, A. and Behrmann, M. (2018). More than action: The dorsal pathway contributes to the perception of 3D structure. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30(7):1047-1058. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_01262. PMID: 29561234 (.pdf)

Kim, J. G., Aminoff, E., Behrmann, M. and Kastner, S. (2015). The neural basis of developmental topographic disorientation, Journal of Neuroscience. (.pdf)

Philbeck, J. W., Behrmann, M., Levy, L. and Biega, T. (2006). Asymmetrical perception body rotation after unilateral vestibular cortex injury. Neuropsychologia, 44, 10, 1878-1890.(.pdf )

Philbeck, J. W., Behrmann, M., Levy, L., Potolicchio, Jr., S. J., & Caputy, A. J. (2004). Path integration deficits during linear locomotion after human medial temporal lobectomy. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16:4, 510-520(.pdf )

Fleming, J., Klatzky, R. and Behrmann, M. (2002). Timecourse of planning for object and action parameters in visually-guided manipulation. Visual Cognition, 9, 4/5, 502-527. (.pdf)

Philbeck, J., Klatzky, R. L., Behrmann, M., Loomis, J. M. and Goodridge, J. (2001). Active control of locomotion facilitates nonvisual navigation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (.pdf)

Marotta, J., Behrmann, M. and Goodale, M. (1997). The removal of binocular cues disrupts the calibration of grasping in patients with visual form agnosia. Experimental Brain Research, 116, 1, 113-121. (.pdf)

Face Recognition and Face Blindness

Liu, N., Avidan, G., Turchi, J. N., Hadj-Bouziane, F. and Behrmann, M. (2024). A possible neural basis for attentional capture revealed by fMRI and causal pharmacological inactivation in macaques, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2024 Jun 26:1-19. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_02211. Online ahead of print.

Blauch, N., Behrmann, M. and Plaut, D. C. (2023). Computational models of topographic selectivity as a window into degrees of specialization, Cognitive Neuropsychology.

Liu, N., Behrmann, M., Turchi, J. N., Avidan, G., Hadj-Bouziane, F., & Ungerleider, L. G. (2022). Bidirectional and parallel relationships in macaque face circuit revealed by fMRI and causal pharmacological inactivation. Nature communications13(1), 6787. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., & Avidan, G. (2022). Face perception: computational insights from phylogeny. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. doi: (.pdf)

Blauch, N. M., Behrmann, M. and Plaut, D. C. (2022). A connectivity-constrained computational account of topographic organization in high-level visual cortex, PNAS. (.pdf)

Almasi, R. C., & Behrmann, M. (2021). Subcortical regions of the human visual system do not process faces holistically. Brain and Cognition151, 105726. (.pdf)

Avidan, G., & Behrmann, M. (2021). Spatial Integration in Normal Face Processing and Its Breakdown in Congenital Prosopagnosia. Annual Review of Vision Science. (.pdf)

Blauch, N. M., Behrmann, M., & Plaut, D. C. (2020). Computational insights into human perceptual expertise for familiar and unfamiliar face recognition. Cognition, 104341. (.pdf)

Brosseau, P., Nestor, A., & Behrmann, M. (2020). Colour blindness adversely impacts face recognition. Visual Cognition28(4), 279-284. (.pdf)

Nestor, A., Lee, A. C., Plaut, D. C. and Behrmann, M. (2020). Facing image reconstruction: progress, prospects, challenges, Trends in Cognitive Science, 24(9):747-759. (.pdf)

Blauch, N., & Behrmann, M. (2019). Representing faces in 3D. Nature Human Behaviour. (.pdf)

Nemrodov, D., Behrmann, M., Niemeier, M., Drobotenko, N. and Nestor, A. (2018). Shape and surface information: multimodal evidence on individual face processing, Neuroimage. 2018 Oct 3;184:813-825. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Geskin, J. (2018). Over time, the right results will emerge. Response to commentaries. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 35, 1-2, 101-111. (.pdf)

Geskin, J. and Behrmann, M. (2018). Congenital prosopagnosia without object agnosia: A literature review (with commentaries). Cognitive Neuropsychology, 35, 1-2, 4-54. (.pdf)

Collins, E., Robinson, A., and Behrmann, M. (2018). Distinct neural processes for the perception of familiar and unfamiliar faces along the visual hierarchy revealed by frequency tagging. Neuroimage, 181:120-131. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.06.080. PMID: 29966716. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Geskin, J. (2018). Over time, the right results will emerge. Response to commentaries. Cognitive Neuropychology, 35, 1-2, 101-111. (.pdf)

Geskin, J. and Behrmann, M. (2018). Congenital prosopagnosia without object agnosia? A literature review (with commentaries). Cognitive Neuropsychology, 35, 1-2, 4-54. (.pdf)

Collins, E. G., Dundas, E., Gabay, Y. and Behrmann, M. (2017). Hemispheric organization in neuro-developmental disorders. Visual Cognition (Special Issue on “Person Perception’). Epub ahead of print: doi: 10.1080/13506285.2017.1370430. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Scherf, K. S. and Avidan, G. (2016). Neural mechanisms of face perception, their emergence over development, and their breakdown. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science. 2016 May 19. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1388. [Epub ahead of print] Review. PMID: 27196333. (.pdf)

Vida, M., Nestor, A., Plaut, D. and Behrmann, M. (2016). Visualizing the Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Neural Representations of Individual Face Identities, Proc. Nat. Academy of Sci (PNAS), 114, 2, 388-393. PMID: 28028220 (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Lee, A. C. H., Geskin, J. Z., Graham, K. S., and Barense, M. D. (2016). Temporal lobe contribution to perceptual function: A tale of three patient groups, Neuropsychologia, in press. PMID: 27150707. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2016.05.00.(.pdf)

Nestor A, Plaut DC, Behrmann M. (2016). Feature-based face representations and image reconstruction from behavioral and neural data. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Dec 28. pii: 201514551. (.pdf)

Avidan, G. and Behrmann, M. (2014). Structural and functional impairment of the face processing network in congenital prosopagnosia. Frontiers in Bioscience, (special issue entitled: 'Familiar people recognition disorders'), 6, 236-257. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Scherf, K. S. and Avidan, G. (2015). Face Perception & Recognition (including neural). Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science. Wiley Books. (.pdf)

Gabay, Y., Dundas, E., Plaut, D. and Behrmann, M. (2015). Atypical perceptual processing of faces in developmental dyslexia. Neuropsychologia. (.pdf)

Liu, T., Hayward, W., Oxner, M., and Behrmann, M. (2014). Holistic processing for left-right composite faces in Chinese and Caucasian observers. Visual Cognition, 22, 8, 1050-1071. DOI: 10.1080/13506285.2014.944613. (.pdf)

Liu, T. and Behrmann, M. (2014). Impaired holistic processing of left-right composite faces in congenital prosopagnosia. Frontiers in Psychology, September, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00750.(.pdf)

Gabay, S., Burlingham, C.and Behrmann, M. (2014). The nature of face representations in subcortical regions, Neuropsychologia, in press,

Scherf, K. S., Thomas, C., Doyle, J. and Behrmann, M. (2014). Structural connectivity and functional consequences in face recognition: A developmental account, Cerebral Cortex, 24: 2964-2980.(.pdf)

Avidan, G., Hadj-Bouziane, F., Liu, N., Ungerleider, L. and Behrmann, M. (2013). Selective dissociation between core and extended regions in the face processing network in congenital prosopagnosia. Cerebral Cortex, doi:10.1093/cercor/bht007, ePub ahead of press.(.pdf)

Nestor, A., Plaut, D.C. and Behrmann, M. (2013). Face space architecture: independent component analysis accounts for the structure of human face representations, Psychological Science, DOI: 10.1177/0956797612464889(.pdf)

Avidan, G., Tanzer, M. and Behrmann, M. (2011). Impaired holistic processing in congenital prosopagnosia, Neuropsychologia, 49, 9, 2541-2552.(.pdf)

Nestor, A., Plaut, D. C. and Behrmann, M. (2011). Unraveling the distributed neural code of facial identity through spatiotemporal pattern analysis, PNAS, 108, 24, 9998-10003.(.pdf)

Plaut, D. and Behrmann, M. (2011). Complementary neural representations for faces and words: A computational exploration. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 28, 251-275.(.pdf) 

Scherf, K. S., Behrmann, M. and Dahl, R. (2011). Facing Changes and Changing Faces in Adolescence: Investigating the Neural Basis of Key Developmental Shifts in Social-Information Processing, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2, 2, 199-219.(.pdf)

Scherf, K. S., Luna, B., Avidan, G. and Behrmann, M. (2011). ‘What’ Precedes ‘Which’: Developmental Neural Tuning in Face- and Place-Related Cortex, Cerebral Cortex, in press.(.pdf) 

Nishimura, M., Doyle, J. and Behrmann, M. (2010). Probing the face-space of individuals with prosopagnosia, Neuropsychologia, 48, 1828-1841. (.pdf)

Avidan, G. and Behrmann, M. (2009). Functional MRI reveals compromised neural integrity of the face processing network in congenital prosopagnosia, Current Biology, 19, 13, 1146-1150. NIHMS[116166](.pdf)

Thomas, C., Avidan, G., Humphreys, K., Jung, K. J., Gao, F. and Behrmann, M. (2009). Reduced structural connectivity in ventral visual cortex in congenital prosopagnosia. Nature Neuroscience, 12, 1, 29-31.(.pdf)

Avidan, G. and Behrmann, M. (2008). Implicit familiarity processing in congenital prosopagnosia, Journal of Neuropsychology, 2, 141-164. (.pdf)

Scherf, K. S., Behrmann, M., Humphreys, K. and Luna, B. (2007). Visual category-selectivity for faces, places, and objects emerges along different developmental trajectories, Developmental Science, 10, 4, F15-F30.(.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Williams, P. (2007). Impairments in part-whole representations of objects in two cases of integrative visual agnosia, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 24, 7, 701-730. (.pdf)

Thomas, C., Moya, L., Avidan, G., Humphreys, K., Jung, K.J., Peterson, M. and Behrmann, M. (2008). Reduction in white matter connectivity, revealed by DTI, may account for age-related changes in face perception, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20, 2, 268-284.(.pdf)

Humphreys, K., Avidan, G. and Behrmann, M. (2007). A detailed investigation of facial expression processing in congenital prosopagnosia as compared to acquired prosopagnosia. Experimental Brain Research, 176, 2, 356-373. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Gao, F., Avidan, G. and Black, S. E. (2007). Structural imaging reveals anatomical alterations in inferotemporal cortex in congenital prosopagnosia. Cerebral Cortex, 17, 2354-2363. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Avidan, G., Marotta, J. J. and Kimchi, R. (2005). Detailed exploration of face-related processing in congenital prosopagnosia: 1. Behavioral findings. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17,7, 1130-1149. (.pdf)

Avidan, G., Hasson, U., Malach, R. and Behrmann, M. (2005). Detailed exploration of face-related processing in congenital prosopagnosia: 2. Functional neuroimaging findings. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17, 7, 1150-1167.(.pdf) 

Behrmann, M. and Avidan, G. (2005). Congenital prosopagnosia: Face-blind from birth. Trends in Cognitive Science, 9, 4, 180-187. (.pdf)

Marotta, J.J., McKeeff, T.J, and Behrmann, M. (2002). The effects of rotation and inversion on face processing in prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsycholgy, 19 (1), 31-47. (.pdf)

Marotta, JJ., Genovese, CR., Behrmann, M. (2001). A functional MRI study of face recognition in patients with prosopagnosia. Neuroreport, 12, 8. 1581-1587 (.pdf)

Gauthier, I., Behrmann, M. and Tarr, M. (1999). Can face recognition really be dissociated from object recognition? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 11, 4, 349-370. (

Moscovitch, M., Winocur, G. and Behrmann, M. (1997). What is special about face recognition? Nineteen experiments on a person with visual object agnosia and dyslexia but normal face recognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 9, 5, 555-604.(.pdf)

Object Recognition

Chamanzar, A., Freud, E., Grover, P. and Behrmann, M. (2025). SilenceMap can provide frequency band inferences about functional silences in object shape processing deficits induced by brain injury, Imaging Neuroscience, in press with minor revisions.

Robinson, A. K., GrootswagersT., Shiatek, S., Behrmann,M. and Carlson, T. A. (2025). Dynamics of visual object coding within and across the hemispheres: Objects in the periphery. Scientific Advances, Jan 3;11(1):eadq0889. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adq0889. Epub 2025 Jan 1

Ayzenberg, V., Simmons, C. and Behrmann, M.  (2023). Temporal asymmetries and interactions between dorsal to ventral visual pathway during object recognition, Cerebral Cortex Communication, Jan 13;4(1):tgad003. doi: 10.1093/texcom/tgad003. eCollection 2023.

Ayzenberg, V., Granovetter, M. C., Robert, S., Patterson, C. and Behrmann, M. (2023). Differential functional reorganization of ventral and dorsal visual pathways following childhood hemispherectomy, in press [preprint available on bioRxiv], Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 

Ayzenberg, V. and Behrmann, M.  (2023). An expanded neural framework for shape perception. TiCS, 27(3):212-213. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2022.12.001.

Ayzenberg, V. and Behrmann, M.  (2023). The where, what and how of object perception. TiCS, 27(4):335-336. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2023.01.006.

Ayzenberg, V. and Behrmann, M. (2023). Development of visual object recognition, Nature Reviews Psychology, in press. [preprint available on PsyArxiv].

Ayzenberg, V. and Behrmann, M. (2023). Reply to Goodale and Milner: The where, what, and how of object recognition. TiCS. (.pdf)

Ayzenberg, V., Simmons, C. and Behrmann, M.  (2023). Temporal asymmetries and interactions between dorsal to ventral visual pathway during object recognition, Cerebral Cortex Communication, Jan 13;4(1):tgad003. doi: 10.1093/texcom/tgad003. eCollection 2023(.pdf)

Ayzenberg, V. and Behrmann, M. (2023). Reply to Xu: An expanded neural framework for shape perception. TiCS. (.pdf)

Ayzenberg, V. and Behrmann, M.  (2022). Does the ventral visual pathway compute shape? TiCS, (.pdf)

Ayzenberg, V. and Behrmann, M. (2022). Object-centered spatial relations: A functional contribution of the dorsal visual pathway to object categorization, Journal of Neuroscience, 8;42(23):4693-4710. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2257-21.2022. (.pdf)

Snow, J.C., Behrmann, M. and Freud, E. (2020). What, if anything, does dorsal cortex contribute to object perception?, Open Mind, p40-56, ttps://

Freud, E. and Behrmann, M. (2020). Persistent altered large-scale organization of shape processing in visual agnosia, Cortex, 129:423-435. (.pdf)

Collins, E. and Behrmann, M. (2020). Exemplar learning reveals the representational origins of expert category perception, Proc. Nat. Acad. Science, 117(20):11167-11177. (.pdf)

Holler, D. E., Behrmann, M. and Snow, J. C. (2019). Real-world size coding of solid objects, but not 2-D or 3-D images, in visual agnosia patients with bilateral ventral lesions, Cortex, 119, 555-568. (.pdf)

Holzinger, Y., Ullman, S., Behrmann, M. and Avidan, G. (2019). Minimal Recognizable Configurations (MIRCs) elicit category-selective responses in higher-order visual cortex, Journal ofCognitive Neuroscience, 9, 1354-1367. (.pdf)

Collins, E., Freud, E., Kainerstorfer, J., Cao, J. and Behrmann, M. (2019). Temporal dynamics of shape processing differentiate contributions of dorsal and ventral visual pathways, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2019 Mar 18:1-16. (.pdf)

Freud, E., Culham, J., Namdar, G. and Behrmann, M. (2019). Object complexity modulates the association between action and perception in childhood, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 179, 56-72(.pdf)

Haigh, S., Robinson, A., Grover, P. and Behrmann, M. (2018). Visual agnosia: Decoding EEG signals from visual cortex. Special issue of Vision (Visual Perception and its neural mechanism), 2, 44. (.pdf)

Freud, E., Robinson, A. and Behrmann, M. (2018). More than action: The dorsal pathway contributes to the perception of 3D structure. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30(7):1047-1058. (.pdf)

Vida, M. and Behrmann, M. (2017). Subcortical facilitation of rapid responses to threat, Scientific Reports, 7:13087, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-13203-8. (.pdf)

Uyar, F., Shomstein, S., Greenberg, A. and Behrmann, M. (2016). Retinotopic information interacts with categorization in human object selective cortex, Neuropsychologia, 92, 90-106. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Lee, A. C. H., Geskin, J. Z., Graham, K. S., and Barense, M. D. (2016). Temporal lobe contribution to perceptual function: A tale of three patient groups, Neuropsychologia, 90, 33-45PMID: 27150707. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2016.05.00. (.pdf)

Freud, E., Plaut, D. C. and Behrmann, M. (2016). "What" is happening in the dorsal visual pathway Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 20(10):773-84

Zachariou, V., Nikas, C. V., Behrmann, M., Klatzky, R. and Ungerleider, L. G. (2015). Common Neural Mechanisms for Between-object and Within-object Location Processing, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. (.pdf)

Freud, E., Ganel, T., Shelef, I., Hammer, M. D., Avidan, G., & Behrmann, M. (2015). Three-Dimensional Representations of Objects in Dorsal Cortex are Dissociable from Those in Ventral Cortex. Cerebral Cortex (.pdf)

Gilaie-Dotan, S., Saygin, A. P., Lorenzi, L., Rees, G. and Behrmann, M. (2015). Ventral visual pathway integrity is not critical for the perception of biological motion, PNAS. (.pdf)

Nishimura, M., Scherf, K. S., Zachariou, V., Tarr, M. J., and Behrmann, M. Size Precedes View: Developmental Emergence of Invariant Object Representations in Lateral Occipital Complex. J Cogn Neurosci. 2014 Sep 22:1-18. PMID: 25244115. (.pdf)

Zachariou, V., Klatzky, R. and Behrmann, M. (2013). Ventral and Dorsal Visual Stream Contributions to the Perception of Object Shape and Object Location, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, in press.(.pdf)

Gilae-Dotan, S., Saygin, A. P., Lorenzi, L., Egan, R., Rees, G. and Behrmann, M. (2013). The role of human ventral visual cortex in motion perception, Brain, 136, 2784-2798. (.pdf)

Konen, C., Behrmann, M. and Nishimura, M. Kastner, S. (2011). The functional neuroanatomy of object agnosia: a case study, Neuron, 71, 49-60. (.pdf)

Cate, A. and Behrmann, M. (2010). Perceiving shape from 3D concavities: “figural grounds?”, Attention, Perception and Performance, 72, 1, 153-167. (NIHMS141249) (.pdf)

Nishimura, M., Scherf, S. and Behrmann, M. (2009). Development of object recognition in humans. F1000 Biology report, 1. (.pdf)

Scherf, K. S., Behrmann, M., Kimchi, R. and Luna, B. (2009). Emergence of global shape processing continues through adolescence, Child Development, 80, 1, 162-177. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Williams, P. (2007). Impairments in part-whole representations of objects in two cases of integrative visual agnosia, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 24, 7, 701-730. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Peterson, M. A., Moscovitch, M. and Suzuki, S. (2006). Integrative agnosia: deficit in encoding relations between parts, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32, 5, 1169-1184. (.pdf)

Rosenthal, O. and Behrmann, M. (2006). Acquiring long-term high-level visual representations following extensive extrastriate damage, Neuropsychologia, 44, 799-815. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Marotta, J. J., Gauthier, I., Tarr, M. J., McKeeff, T. (2005). The neural correlates of behavioral change in visual agnosia: consequences of expertise training with Greebles. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17, 4, 554-568. (.pdf)

Kimchi, R., Hadad, B., Behrmann, M. and Palmer, S. (2005). Microgenesis and ontogenesis of perceptual organization: Evidence from global and local processing of hierarchical stimuli. Psychological Science, 16, 4, 282-290. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Geng, J. J. and Baker, C. I. (2005). Acquisition of long-term visual representations: Psychological and neural mechanisms. In B. Uttl, N. Ohta and C. Macleod (Eds) Dynamic cognitive processes: The Fifth Tsukuba International Conference. Tokyo, Springer Verlag, p1-26. (.pdf)

Marotta, J. J. and Behrmann, M. (2004). Patient Schn: Has Goldstein and Gelb's case withstood the test of time? Neuropsychologia, 42, 5, 633-638. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Kimchi, R. (2003). Visual perceptual organization: Lessons from lesions. In R. Kimchi, M., Behrmann and C. Olson (Eds.) Perceptual Organization. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, pp337-375. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Kim chi, R. (2003). What does visual agnosia tell us about perceptual organization and its relationship to object perception? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 19, 1, 19-42. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. (2003). The neuropsychology of perceptual organization. In G. Rhodes and M. Peterson (Eds.) The perception of faces, objects and scenes: Analytic and holistic processes. Oxford University Press, NY, p295-334. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M. and Ewell, C. (2003). Expertise in tactile pattern recognition. Psychological Science 14, 5, 480-486 (.pdf)

Baker, C. I., Behrmann, M., and Olson, C. R. (2002). Impact of learning on representation of parts and wholes in monkey inferotemporal cortex. Nature Neuroscience , 5, 11, 1210-1216 (.pdf)

Mozer, M., Zemel, R., Behrmann, M. and Williams, C. (1992). Learning to segment images using dynamic feature binding. Neural Computation, 4, 647-672. (.pdf)

Mapelli, D. and Behrmann, M. (1997). The role of color in object recognition: Evidence from visual agnosia. 3, 237-247.  NeuroCase, 3, 237-247. (.pdf)

Zachariou, V., Nikas, C. V., Behrmann, M., Klatzky, R. and Ungerleider, L. G. (2015). Common Dorsal Stream Substrates for the Mapping of Surface Texture to Object Parts and Visual Spatial Processing, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27 (12), p.2442-2461 (.pdf)

Gilaie-Dotan, S., Saygin, A. P., Lorenzi, L., Rees, G. and Behrmann, M. (2015). Ventral visual pathway integrity is not critical for the perception of biological motion,, ePub ahead of print. (.pdf)

Word Recognition

Vin, R., Blauch, N. M., Plaut, D. C., & Behrmann, M. (2024). Visual word processing engages a hierarchical, distributed, and bilateral cortical network. Iscience27(2). doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.108809.

Peskin, N., Behrmann, M., Gabay, S. and Gabay, Y. (2024). Prolonged reliance on subcortical mechanisms during face and word recognition in developmental dyslexia, Brain and Cognition, 174, doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2023.106106. Online ahead of print.

Nischal, R. and Behrmann, M. (2023). Hemispheric lateralization of word recognition revealed over development using a measure of inversion sensitivity, Developmental Science Jan 30;e13372. doi: 10.1111/desc.13372. (.pdf)

Gabay, Y., Gabay, S., Henik, A., Schiff, R., Behrmann, M. (2015) Word and line bisection in typical and impaired readers and a cross-language comparison. Brain and Language, 150, 143-152. (.pdf)

Ossowski, A. and Behrmann, M. (2015). Left hemisphere specialization for word potentially causes, rather than results from, a left lateralized bias for high spatial frequency visual information. Cortex. (.pdf)

Nestor, A., Plaut, D. and Behrmann, M. (2012). Orthographic form processing - A multivariate investigation of its neural basis, Cerebral Cortex, ePub ahead of print. PMID: 22693338. (.pdf)

Starrfelt, R. and Behrmann, M. (2011). Number reading in pure alexia – A review, Neuropsychologia, 49, 9, 2283-2298. (.pdf)

Mycroft, R. H, Behrmann, M. and Kay, J. M. (2009). Visuoperceptual impairments underly letter-by-letter reading. Neuropsychologia, 47, 1733-1744. (.pdf)

McKeeff, T. J. and Behrmann, M. (2004). Relating naming latency and covert processing in pure alexia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 21 (2/3/4), 443-458 (.pdf)

Hasson, U., Levy, I., Behrmann, M., Hendler, T., Malach, R. (2002). Eccentricity bias as an organizing principle for human high-order object areas. Neuron, 34, 479-490. (.pdf)

Montant, M. and Behrmann, M. (2001). Phonological activation in pure alexia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 18, 8, 697-727. (.pdf)

Behrmann, M., Shomstein, S., Barton, J. J. S. and Black, S. E. (2001). Eye movements of letter-by-letter readers during reading: Effects of word length and lexical variables. Neuropsychologia, 39,9, 983-1002. (.pdf)

Montant, M. and Behrmann, M. (2000). Pure alexia: A case review. Neurocase, 6, 265-294. (.pdf)

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Behrmann, M., Plaut, D. C. and Nelson, J. (1998). A literature review and new data supporting an interactive account of letter-by-letter reading. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 15, 7-51. (.pdf)

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Behrmann, M. and McLeod, J. (1995). The rehabilitation of letter-by-letter reading. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 5, 1/2, 149-180. (.pdf)

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Behrmann, M., Winocur, G. and Moscovitch, M. (1992). Dissociation between mental imagery and object recognition in a brain-damaged patient. Nature, 359, 636-637. (.pdf)

Moscovitch, M., Behrmann, M. and Winocur, G. (1994). Do PETS have long or short ears? Mental imagery and neuroimaging. Trends in Neuroscience, 17, 7, 292-294.

Behrmann, M., Moscovitch, M. and Winocur, G. (1994). Intact mental imagery and impaired visual perception: Dissociable processes in a patient with visual agnosia. Journal of Experimental: Psychology Human Perception and Performance, 20, 5, 1068-1087. (.pdf)

Scene Recognition

Kim JG, Aminoff EM, Kastner S, Behrmann M. (2015). A Neural Basis for Developmental Topographic Disorientation. J Neurosci. 2015 Sep 16;35(37):12954-69. (.pdf)


Chamanzar, A., Behrmann, M. and Grover, P. (2021). Neural silences can be localized rapidly using noninvasive scalp EEG, Nature Communications Biology, 4, 429. (.pdf)

Lerner, Y., Scherf, K. S., Katkov, M., Hasson, U. and Behrmann, M. (2021). Changes in cortical coherence supporting complex visual and social processing in adolescence. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(11):2215-2230. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_01756. (.pdf)

Krishnan, A., Kumar, R., Etienne, A., Robinson, A., Kelly, S., K., Behrmann, M., Tarr, M., and Grover, P. (2018). Challenges and Opportunities in Instrumentation and Use of High-Density EEG for Underserved Regions. Interdisciplinary Solutions 2018 (InterSol2018) (.pdf)

Robinson, A., Venkatesh, P., Boring, M. J., Tarr, M., Behrmann, M., and Grover, P. (2017). Very high density EEG elucidates spatiotemporal aspects of early visual processing, Scientific Reports, 7(1):16248. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-16377-3. PMID: 29176609 (.pdf)

Rokem, A. Takemura, H., Bock, A. Scherf, S., Bridge, H., Fine, I., Behrmann, M., Wandell, B., Van Essen, D., and Pestilli, F. (2016). The visual white matter matters: Innovation, data, methods and applications of diffusion MRI and fiber tractography, Journal of Vision, 17(2):4, 1-30. doi: 10.1167/17.2.4. PMID: 28196374 (.pdf)

Phillips. J. S., Greenberg, A. S., Pyles, J. A., Pathak, S. K., Behrmann, M., Schneider, W., Tarr, M. J. (2011). Co-analysis of brain structure and function using fMRI and Diffusion-weighted imaging, JoV, doi:pii: 4125. 10.3791/4125. PMID: 23169034.(.pdf)


Haigh, S. M., Van Key, L., Eack, S. M., Leitman, D. I., Salisbury, D.F. * Behrmann, M. (2022). Assessing trial-to-trial variability in auditory ERPs in autism and schizophrenia. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Special issue: Sensory Features in Autism and Related Conditions: Developmental Approaches, Mechanisms and Targeted Interventions(.pdf)

Haigh, S., Brosseau, P., Eack, S. M., Leitman, D., Salisbury, D. Behrmann, M. (2022). Hyper-sensitivity to pitch is related to poorer prosody processing in adults with autism, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 13:844830. (.pdf)

Chamanzar, A., Behrmann, M. and Grover, P. (2021). Neural silences can be localized rapidly using noninvasive scalp EEG, Nature Communications Biology, 4, 429. (.pdf)


Hahamy, A., Wilf, M., Rosin, B., Behrmann, M., & Malach, R. (2021). How do the blind ‘see’? The role of spontaneous brain activity in self-generated perception. Brain144(1), 340-353. (.pdf)

Chaman Zar, A. R., Haigh, S., Grover, P. and Behrmann, M. (2021). Using high resolution EEG and steady state auditory and visual presentation to differentiate migraineurs from controls. Med Archive:

Haigh, S. M., Chamanzar, A., Grover, P. and Behrmann, M. (2019). Cortical hyper-excitability in migraine in response to chromatic patterns, Headache, 59(10):1773-1787. (.pdf)

Klatzky, R., Holt, L. and Behrmann, M. (2015) Representation of Women in Cognition. Cognition, pii: S0010-0277, PMID: 25903857. (.pdf)

Maurides, P. and Behrmann, M. (2017). The brain as muse – bridging art and neuroscience. Leonardo, 10.1162/LEON_a_01402, Publication January 2017.


CNBC MNTP series Behrmann lecture- first slides


CNBC MNTP series Behrmann lecture- second slides


CNBC ethics of human subject experimentation Dec 2011

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